Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences

campus life

Student affairs

T K Narayanappa Entrepreneurship Cell

Padmashree Institute of Management & Sciences  is committed to nurturing entrepreneurial spirit and fostering innovation, aimed at addressing key challenges in business and technology. The Entrepreneurship Cell, guided by the Director,  operating independently on matters within its purview. It reports to the Chairman and Managing Director. All financial decisions and approvals are overseen by the  Chief Financial Officer (CFO).


"To cultivate a vibrant community of empowered entrepreneurs at PIMS, driving innovation and sustainable growth through immersive education and comprehensive support."


"To inspire and educate students through workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs, fostering entrepreneurial spirit and ethical business practices. We provide a platform for aspiring student entrepreneurs to refine their ideas and connect with alumni, industry experts, and investors, facilitating the growth of innovative ventures. By collaborating with institutions, organizations, and government bodies, we aim to create extensive opportunities and resources that empower students to excel in entrepreneurship."


To inculcate the mindset of innovation and promote entrepreneurship amongst students and benefit them, we aim to achieve the following objectives.

Welcome to IIMB Library

PIMS Library has a collection comprises predominantly literature on Taxation, Corporate Finance, Business Management, and allied areas. Resource development policies and services are mandated by the Institute’s teaching; research and learning objectives. We subscribe to more than 100 electronic resources comprising Databases, eBooks, and e-Journals. All e-Resources are accessible 24*7 on and off-campus.

Public computers with internet access are available for research and learning. We  offer free Wi-Fi facilities. Quiet rooms or soundproof areas for group discussions, study sessions are available. The library is open from 09 AM to 07 PM on weekdays, holidays and weekends. Library has access to e-content on and off campus, have subscriptions to NLIST-INFLIBNET, and DELNET, specifically for Management Students.

PIMS Library Collection Highlights

(Print book collection)
0 +
(Electronic books)
0 +
Indian & International Journal
(Print, Online, Print+Online
0 +
Thesis & Dissertation
(Scholars & Students)
0 +
(2 different languages)
0 +

Institution Innovation Council - IIC

An Initiative of Ministry of Education

In the year 2018, the Ministry of Education (MoE) Innovation Cell (MIC) launched the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) program in collaboration with AICTE for Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to systematically foster the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem in education institutions. Primarily, IICs’ role is to engage large number of faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, problem solving, proof of concept development, design thinking, IPR, project handling and management at Pre-incubation/Incubation stage, etc., so that innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem gets established and stabilized in HEIs. The IIC model is designed to address the existing challenges/issues in HEIs such as less numbers, occasional and unplanned Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) activities organised in HEIs with low involvement of top leadership, lack of coherence and absence of synergy in resource mobilization, deployment and under utilization of creative potential of youths as major barrier for vibrant I&E ecosystem to emerge from HEIs.

IIC model is unique and distinct as it integrates the functionalities of flexibility calendar activities, scoring and reward system, decentralizing operation with division of work, progress monitoring and incentive mechanisms in coordinated manner through a robust digital platform. In last two years, undoubtedly, IIC has emerged as a very sustainable and scalable model for promoting innovation within HEIs and the efforts of these IIC Institutes can be seen as impactful contribution towards making country’s innovation and start-ups ecosystem more vibrant and dynamic. The recent achievement of India’s 48th positon in Global Innovation Index (GII) ranking is a reflection of the same.

Major Focus

Function of IIC

Housing & Dining

Padmashree Group of Institutions (PGI) offers on-campus residence blocks for students who want to be close to campus activities and resources; accommodates more than 2000 students. These blocks offer one and two-room sharing, most with private bathrooms. They also have high-speed internet access, laundry facilities, housekeeping services, and a common lounge with a large, flat-panel television.

The campus features separate hostels for male and female students, with 24-hour security to ensure safety. Each block has a dedicated dining area serving wholesome and delicious meals. Housing can range from basic to premium, with prices typically based on the type of room and amenities.

Community Engagement & Diversity

In the Community

Whether helping to provide needed resources, offering expertise, or through volunteerism, Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences and its students, staff, faculty, and alumni are enthusiastic contributors to the community.

Gym, Athletics, Recreation & Wellness

Our gymnasium is home to a plethora of state-of-the-art equipment and a team of trainers who help students navigate their fitness journey. We encourage all students to pursue a basic fitness programme and strike a balance between mental and physical fitness. PIMS gymnasium with modern facilities supports student fitness and well-being. Gym encourages discipline and routine, its an opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and stay motivated.

The Recreation and Wellness is to foster healthy lifestyle choices and student well-being through efficient services, comprehensive programs and high-quality facilities. Students who participate in such programs are more likely to stay in campus, have better rank and ultimately meet their academic goals and graduate. Students well-being promotes the health of our community and provides students with the opportunity to engage in innovative and inclusive programs, improving their quality of life and academic progress.